Vol. 7 |
No. 1 |
Fatigue is epidemic is our society. Common causes of this malady can vary from life-style choices to dietary indiscretions. Many people are aware that their exhaustion may come from poor food and emotional pressures, but an often overlooked factor is "auto-intoxication." Autotoxemia is poisoning with toxic substances formed within the body. The late Sir Arbutnot Lane, M.D., author of "Intestinal Stasis," agreed: "All maladies are due to lack of vitamins, minerals, and protective bacteria. When this occurs, toxic bacteria invade the lower ailmentary canal producing bloodstream poisons which deteriorate every tissue, gland and organ of the body." Intestinal toxemia or auto-intoxication is an old term for a phenomenon long recognized. Today, nutritionally oriented doctors call it the "leaky-gut syndrome." The four essential factors contributing to this condition are: stasis, inability to digest proteins, over-growth of intestinal organisms such as Candida, and damaged or impaired intestinal mucosa. Stasis refers to a lack of proper motion and position of the small and large intestines which causes the body to retain waste materials and absorb them into the bloodstream, and which may eventually produce a multitude of distressing human maladies. Stasis can be caused by spinal misalignment resulting in disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system as well as over-eating, lack of roughage, dehydration, and malposition of the intestines. The inability of certain individuals to digest proteins results in undigested nutrients irritating the mucous lining of the intestinal walls. The irritation intitates localized inflammations and damage to the intestines, malabsorption of nutrients, and over-growths of bacteria and fungi. It is here we find the origin of Systemic Candidiasis, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The most obvious signs of this condition are dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and nervous irritability. However, as the condition worsens, the complaints can spread to other systems such as endocrine, vascular, urinary, visual, skin, ears, nose, throat, and the brain. The manifestation varies from person to person depending on where the weaknesses lie in one's body-mind. Hans Selye, MD., the father of the Stress Theory, who once remarked:that "all of us are as strong as our weak links," went on to state: "In biochemical terms, we might think of exhaustion as largely due to accumulating undesirable by-products of vital chemical reactions. Much of the metabolic debris is readily eliminated, thus re-establishing the original equilibrium. But a small fraction of the countless chemical processes needed for adaptation to the demands made upon us by life, results in insoluble waste products which clog up the machinery of our body until it is no longer usable." What Dr. Selye means is that the retention of small amounts of metabolic wastes begin to clog up the machinery of the body over time. That part of our machine that is most vulnerable will be the first to react. The "metabolic debris "comes from poor digestion, intestinal stasis with or without constipation, and the "silent" retention of toxins that should have been discharged. If we can relieve the body's toxic overload, we can relieve our discomforts and slow the aging process. Alexis Carrel, M.D., who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1912 for his pioneering work on organ transplantation, performed an experiment at the Rockefeller Institute that ran for 33 years. The experiment, commonly known as "Dr. Carrel's Immortal Chicken Heart" demonstrated that a chicken heart could be kept alive indefinitely in a petri dish as long as adequate nutrition and elimination of metabolic waste poisons were provided. The chicken heart, which should have lived 7 years, survived 33 years until the experiment was terminated. Research shows that many of the diverse pains people experience are often connected to a central source: overload of the body's detoxification pathways due to faulty digestion, assimilation and elimination. In the final analysis, all natural methods must follow Dr. Carrel's simple formula: input of the correct nutrients and the efficient elimination of body waste products. Supply the need and the body-mind then self-regulates and self-heals. |
For for information about the Pythagorean Center, see the Directory of Information, send us an email at: jifdoc@aol.com, or call the office at (415) 459-4646.
Home Care Suggestions 1. Slant Board Exercises 2. Periodic Intestinal Cleansing 3. Enzymatic Digestive Support 4. Castor Oil Packs 5. Range of Motion Exercises 6. Read: "Facial Diagnosis." Michio Kushi For information concerning these and other body rejuvinating methods, please contact our office. |
The following previous issues can be accessed by clicking on the title: Vol.6, No. 1: "The Importance of Posture" There is an old adage that states: "The shape you are in determines the shape you are in." The implication is that the way one's body looks reflects one's general health. This idea goes back to the ancient Greeks who appreciated an erect and poised body in athletics and the arts, particularly statuary. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, exhorted: "In all diseases, look to the spine." Vol. 5, No. 1: "The Four Stages of Healing" An understanding of how the body-mind becomes ill can be helpful in guiding us through the healing process. The body becomes ill and gets well in an orderly manner whether the stressor is nutritional, mechanical, or emotional. The stages of disease in the order of progression are Acute, Sub-acute, Chronic, and Degenerative. All stages are various degrees of a condition called "inflammation." ... Vol. 4, No. 1: "The Healing Field" Many people wonder what is the mechanism in the human body that co-ordinates our daily physiology and also heals illnesses and injuries. A simple finger cut, for example, goes through many stages of tissue healing. How does the body know what type of connective tissue to lay down and when the scar is ready to fall off? ... Vol. 3, No. 6: "Understanding Your Gut Feelings" Most of us believe that important decisions are made via the intellect or the reasoning part of the mind. Current scientific research reveals this to be only partially true. It appears that we think with our minds but experience our emotions from another locale within the body: the stomach area. ... Vol. 3, No. 5: "Retracing: The Untold Story" There is a belief among many health practitioners working with natural therapies that a person who is in the process of getting well may undergo some sort of a "healing reaction" in order to fully heal. The "healing crisis," as it is known, occurs at a point when the body's self-healing mechanism has begun to "retrace" its own history of illness in order to completely heal and rid itself of the accumulated residues of disease... Vol. 3, No. 4: "May the Force Be With You" The physicians of the ancient world believed that health comes from a power within the human body which they called "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" or the healing power of nature. The Greek physician-philosopher Plato observed that every living thing is activated by an "inherent vital principle" which both runs and heals the body-mind complex... Vol. 3, No. 3: "Change Your Thinking...Change Your Life" The
philosopher-psychologist Henry James observed almost a
century ago:
Vol. 3, No. 2: "Is It Mind? Is It Body? Is It Body-Mind?" Except for a small number of physical complaints such as injuries or acute infections, there is an increasing array of health complaints being labeled as having a "stress-related" or emotional component. By current estimate, almost 90% of present health issues have emotional stress as a partial cause of disease. How can we, as health consumers, know if a disease derives from emotional or physical causes or from a combination of both? To find the answer to this question, it is helpful to look to the past. ...
Vol. 3, No. 1: "Fatigue and Its Remedies"
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