Vol. 14 |
No. 11 |
In previous newsletters we have outlined the neurological basis of Neurovascular Dynamics. The human organism operates by reflexes or relays, meaning that our organs are networked and support each other in a holistic way. In fact, Gray's Anatomy, 29th edition, states that "the nervous system controls and co-ordinates all organs and structures of the human body." We know that many human ills come from injury or trauma to the muscles and bones. However, an equal number of painful conditions come from disturbed nerve signals arising from the internal organs. These signals rise to the body surface and we then become aware of them. The following case histories illustrate how deep interior signals arise from the internal organs due to stress and diet and cause as much pain as if one fell down the stairs.
Discussion: This case was primarily related to poor diet and emotional stress causing liver/gall bladder irritation and congestion. The portal vein, which transports blood from the lower abdomen and legs to the liver for cleansing, has slowed in circulation causing low back spasms. Re-setting the nervous system with NVD and dietary change resolved the condition.
Discussion: The sensory nerve supply to the ovary also supplies the low back region and thigh. The congestion and inflammation in the ovary spilled over to also cause sciatica. Normalizing circulation to the ovary healed the complaints.
Discussion: The gall bladder, when inflamed, frequently refers to the right shoulder region. In this case, prolonged and profound grief disturbed the enteric or abdominal nerve centers which via nerve connections triggered shoulder spasms. Normalizing the abdomen resolved the condition. These stories illustrate an observation made by George Goodheart, D.C., the chiropractic founder of the Applied Kinesiology holistic system, that "the body is intricately simple and simply intricate." Everything is connected both in simple and sometimes complex ways. That complexity can be best treated by addressing a person's chief complaint but also by making sure that other possible causes are investigated and addressed. Neurovascular Dynamics allows for a more complete health evaluation.
Newsletter ArchivesThe following previous issues can be accessed by clicking on the title: Vol. 14, No.10: "Early Warning Signs" Most of us visit our dentist on a regular basis or make an annual medical visit to have a checkup, but we are not aware that there is an innate body system that can also provide clues long before a health challenge manifests. That system is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), previously described in the"Awakening the Healing Response" newsletter (Vol 14, No. 8). It is the automatic and unconscious organ system that remains silent in health and produces many alarm signals such as headaches, or back and joint pain, when something is awry internally.. Vol. 14, No.9: "The Gut-Bone Connection" A decade ago few would believe that the human gastrointestinal (GI tract) system would have anything to do with the strength of our bones. Scientific knowledge has now demonstrated that there is indeed an important connection. Vol. 14, No.8: "Awakening the Healing Response" The ability to fight disease and maintain health is a natural power within all beings. It is so automatic and instinctive that it is called the Self Healing Response. Vol. 14, No.7: "Pythagorean Healing" The Pythagorean Academy began approximately 2500 years ago in greater Greece. It was a school dedicated to the development of the full human potential. Vol. 14, No.6: "Healing From The Center" Humans have always searched for the Fountain of Youth, a place where one could be eternally healthy. Diet, herbs, bodywork, exercise, and psychology have all been helpful but that special elixir does not reside outside but resides within our bodies. It is a special force or energy center deep within the body. When we are in harmony with it, healing is possible. Vol. 14, No.5: "Hand Yoga" Yoga therapy, now well-known in the West, is commonly associated with postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama), but there is another independent branch of yoga called Hand or Mudra Yoga. This unique branch sees the human body as a miniature of the larger universe. Vol. 14, No.4: "Hidden Causes of GERD" GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a common health condition affecting 25% of the U.S. population. Highly acidic stomach juices should stay in the stomach in order to properly break down food but instead the hydrochloric acid and food moves backwards into the esophagus where they do not belong. The highly acidic irritation causes chest burning, choking, swallowing difficulties, hoarse throat and coughing. These acids can even erode the dental enamel and cause gum disease. Vol. 14, No.3: "THE Microbiome Mania" Hippocrates, father of medicine, taught some 2500 years ago that "all diseases begin in the gut." The worlds of medicine, immunology, microbiology and nutrition are confirming this finding concerning the popular topic of the microbiome. Vol. 14, No.2: "The Magic of Sleep" Sleep is an activity that all humans do automatically and is often underestimated in regards to its healing potential. In fact, restorative sleep is the foundation of physical and mental health. Lack of adequate nighttime rest has been associated with dementia, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, depression, increased cancer risk and obesity. Vol. 14, No.1: "Mystery of Persistent Back Pain" Lower back pain has been a challenge for all professions. In fact, many years ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that lower back pain is more prevalent than the common cold. Medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy and many allied professions have tackled this epidemic malady with varying results. Of these, the chiropractic profession has had the best success record in dealing with this painful condition, although results can depend upon the pain’s cause and point of origin. Vol. 13, No.1: "Emotional Healing & Psycho-Peristalsis" Stress, whether physical, mental or nutritional, is now recognized as the cause of most illness, and its reaction takes place throughout the nervous system including the abdomen, as many people can attest. Vol. 12, No.7: "The Great Mimic" Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from periodic gastrointestinal complaints such as hiatal hernia, esophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, hemorrhoids, or constipation. In this brief article we will explain what we think is the common denominator for all these digestive maladies and why we call this factor "The Great Mimic." Vol. 12, No.6: "Exhausted? It Might Be Adrenal Stress Disorder" In nature, when an animal is attacked, it can respond with extraordinary feats of strength and endurance. This is accomplished with the mobilization of hormones – specifically, adrenalin. The same response also occurs in humans, but with a very significant difference. Once an emergency has ended, the animal will recover quickly from the galvanizing effects of adrenalin. Humans, however, live with such persistent stress that, all too frequently, we do not have adequate time to rest and re-set the nervous-hormonal system. Vol. 12, No. 5: "Oh, My Aching Head!" All of us experience feelings of sadness, unhappiness or frustration at times, and this is a normal part of human existence. However, when these feelings persist and start to interfere with our normal functioning, we begin to suffer from depression. Vol. 12, No. 4: "Hidden Factors in Depression" All of us experience feelings of sadness, unhappiness or frustration at times, and this is a normal part of human existence. However, when these feelings persist and start to interfere with our normal functioning, we begin to suffer from depression. Vol. 12, No. 3: "Your Aching Sinuses" There is a simple – yet unseen – mechanism in the human body that regulates and restores our health. This “Great Harmonizer” is actually wired in to the human nervous system and needs only to be properly stimulated in order to maintain health. Vol. 12, No. 2: "From Stressed Out to Chilled Out" There is a simple – yet unseen – mechanism in the human body that regulates and restores our health. This “Great Harmonizer” is actually wired in to the human nervous system and needs only to be properly stimulated in order to maintain health. Vol. 12, No. 1: "Surprising Eyes" Heredity can be either blessed or blamed for many of our physical characteristics... from the inheritance of Mom’s curly hair to Dad’s bald head to, unfortunately, Grandpa’s diabetes. In fact, just knowing about or having observed a beloved relative suffer from a hereditary illness can create an aura of ticking time bomb in our own lives. Vol. 11, No. 1: "Natural Immunity" Human beings have always searched for methods to preserve health in the face of aging, infection and disease. One such route to health has increasingly been the promotion of the body’s own self-protective and self-healing mechanisms. These mechanisms, in turn, are dependent upon the strength of the body’s “natural immunity,” its inherent ability to defend itself against infection and degenerative disease. Vol. 10, No. 1: "Reflex Healing" Chiropractic methods may seem, at times, to be mysterious and have little obvious connection with the object of a patient's complaint. While the "light touch" used at Friedman Chiropractic may possibly appear superficial, it is actually a critical tool for helping the body to regain health. Vol. 9, No. 1: "Hara and Healing" There is an old Taoist saying which advises: "When you are sick, do not seek a cure. Find your center and you will be healed." "What is this Òcenter" of which the ancients spoke and what is its importance to natural healing? Vol. 8, No. 3: "Water: The Overlooked Nutrient" We can live weeks without food, but no more than a week without water. For health, we need a balance of fluids for all of our cells to function properly. Our bodies consists of from 50% to 80% water. These fluids are what carry nutrients, waste products, and minerals to our cells. The fluid in our bodies can be divided into two main groups: There is fluid inside our cells (intracellular fluid) and fluid outside our cells (extracellular fluid). Vol. 8, No. 2: "Fibromyalgia" Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects over 8 million Americans, 80% of them female. People with this chronic condition have symptoms of severe fatigue and multiple sites of aches and pain in their muscles, ligaments and tendons. Years ago, people with this condition were told they had fibrositis, myalgia, rheumatism or were just plain hypochondriacs. Vol. 8, No. 1: "Food Allergies" Many medical experts predict that between 50%-60% of all Americans have negative reactions to some foods. These reactions are not restricted to the intestinal tract but can also cause brain, immune system, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, respiratory and skin symptoms... Vol. 7, No. 2: "The Law of Polarity" Since ancient times there have been many seekers of Nature's secret laws of healing. One such doctor was Randolph Stone, DO., DC., who explored the world in hopes of determining the common denominator of all healing systems. He concluded that there is an unseen field of electro-magnetic energy that both runs and heals the body. Dr. Stone organized his discoveries into a method he called Polarity Therapy ... Vol. 7, No. 1:" Toxic or Tired?" Fatigue is epidemic is our society. Common causes of this malady can vary from life-style choices to dietary indiscretions. Many people are aware that their exhaustion may come from poor food and emotional pressures, but an often overlooked factor is "auto-intoxication." Autotoxemia is poisoning with toxic substances formed within the body. Vol. 6, No. 1: "The Importance of Posture" There is an old adage that states: "The shape you are in determines the shape you are in." The implication is that the way one's body looks reflects one's general health. This idea goes back to the ancient Greeks who appreciated an erect and poised body in athletics and the arts, particularly statuary. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, exhorted: "In all diseases, look to the spine." Vol. 5, No. 1: "The Four Stages of Healing" An understanding of how the body-mind becomes ill can be helpful in guiding us through the healing process. The body becomes ill and gets well in an orderly manner whether the stressor is nutritional, mechanical, or emotional. The stages of disease in the order of progression are Acute, Sub-acute, Chronic, and Degenerative. All stages are various degrees of a condition called "inflammation." ... Vol. 4, No. 1: "The Healing Field" Many people wonder what is the mechanism in the human body that co-ordinates our daily physiology and also heals illnesses and injuries. A simple finger cut, for example, goes through many stages of tissue healing. How does the body know what type of connective tissue to lay down and when the scar is ready to fall off? ... Vol. 3, No. 6: "Understanding Your Gut Feelings Most of us believe that important decisions are made via the intellect or the reasoning part of the mind. Current scientific research reveals this to be only partially true. It appears that we think with our minds but experience our emotions from another locale within the body: the stomach area. ... Vol. 3, No. 5: "Retracing: The Untold Story" There is a belief among many health practitioners working with natural therapies that a person who is in the process of getting well may undergo some sort of a "healing reaction" in order to fully heal. The "healing crisis," as it is known, occurs at a point when the body's self-healing mechanism has begun to "retrace" its own history of illness in order to completely heal and rid itself of the accumulated residues of disease... Vol. 3, No. 4: "May the Force Be With You" The physicians of the ancient world believed that health comes from a power within the human body which they called "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" or the healing power of nature. The Greek physician-philosopher Plato observed that every living thing is activated by an "inherent vital principle" which both runs and heals the body-mind complex... Vol. 3, No. 3: "Change Your Thinking...Change Your Life" The
philosopher-psychologist Henry James observed almost a century
ago: Vol. 3, No. 2: "Is It Mind? Is It Body? Is It Body-Mind?" Except for a small number of physical complaints such as injuries or acute infections, there is an increasing array of health complaints being labeled as having a "stress-related" or emotional component. By current estimate, almost 90% of present health issues have emotional stress as a partial cause of disease. How can we, as health consumers, know if a disease derives from emotional or physical causes or from a combination of both? To find the answer to this question, it is helpful to look to the past. ... Vol. 3, No. 1: "Fatigue and Its Remedies" At various times throughout our lives, all of us will experience a sense of tiredness or fatigue.Sometimes this feeling will last a day or two but, for some people, it can persist for months, years, or even a life-time. It is important to understand that serious fatigue, that is, fatigue that is not attributable to temporary over-exertion, is actually a symptom of some other process going on within the body-mind unit. Prolonged fatigue is not an illness in itself, but a manifestation of a health imbalance. ... |
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packet, Jeffrey I.
Friedman, D.C. Petaluma
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94952-3006 |
DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is intended to provide health information to improve quality of life and assist users to better understand their health and arrange more easily for healthcare services. It is not an attempt to replace the need to seek healthcare services nor to provide specific healthcare advice. Information provided should not be used to diagnose or dispute a qualified healthcare professional's judgement. If you have any questions, please give our office a call or check with your local healthcare professional.
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